Frequently Asked Questions
What assistive technology or screen reading software should I use to view Reach A Ride?
You can use JAWS for Windows Screen Reading Software (version 10 or above) or NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) .What is Reach A Ride?
Reach A Ride is an online search engine for specialized transportation provided by both private and public entities in the National Capital Region. It is hosted through the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.Click the map to enlarge.

What do I do if I can't find a transportation service that can meet my needs on your website?
Provide us with information about your specialized transportation needs using the feedback form and you will receive a response within one business day. You can also call 855-732-2427 Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Is there a charge for using the Reach A Ride or referral services?
No, there is no charge for information or referral. However, some transportation providers do charge for the rides.Can I get a reduced fare on Public Transit (i.e.: bus, train) for being a senior citizen or an individual with a disability?
YES. You will first need to obtain a Senior/Disabled ID Card from your Transit Provider.What if I know of a program that is not on your website?
Enter the name of the agency and a phone number or email address using the feedback form.Definitions
These definitions are for the checkboxes at the bottom of the Advanced Search page.- Wheelchair:
- The passenger needs a wheelchair-accessible vehicle (equipped with a ramp).
- Stretcher/Gurney:
- The passenger needs a vehicle that can accommodate a person in a stretcher or gurney.
- Curb-to-Curb:
- The passenger will be picked up and discharged at the curb or driveway in front of their home or destination; the driver does not assist or escort passengers to the door.
- Door-to-Door:
- Limited assistance will be provided between the vehicle and the door of the passenger's home or destination; the driver does not go inside the destination.
- Door-through-Door:
- The passenger has significant mobility limitations and needs a driver to escort him or her into the apartment, or into the building of the destination (for example, a Doctor's office).
- Escorted:
- The passenger needs an escort to travel with them for the entire trip because of severe mobility or cognitive limitations.
- Traveling with a personal care attendant:
- The passenger needs or prefers to travel with a personal care attendant (PCA); the service therefore needs to accommodate the passenger plus the PCA (perhaps at an extra cost).
- Traveling with family member:
- The passenger will be traveling with a family member and the service needs to accommodate two people (perhaps at an extra cost).